7 workouts you should do to prepare for this ski season

I don’t know about you, but for my home mountain, Mont Tremblant, opening day is exactly one month away. You should have been doing this the whole summer, but if you have your reasons (or excuses) like I do, better late than never! Aside from giving you a healthy rush of dopamine, ski conditioning is an important part of injury prevention and overall mobility when on the slopes. Obviously, if you charge down the mountain all day long, you will likely feel some burning pain in your legs, but let’s try and reduce that as much as possible. The key to getting the most ski days every year is avoiding injury, so let’s begin!

Workout 1: Leg Blasters

This workout is a staple for all skiers. I can’t think of a single exercise that is more important and can emulate the burning sensation you will be feeling while shredding down the slopes. This improves overall leg strength, endurance, and explosive power while maintaining proper ski form.

  • 20 bodyweight squats
  • 20 alternating forward lunges
  • 20 alternating jump lunges
  • 10 jump squats

Workout 2: Box Jumps

This is one of my favorite workouts, especially because it applies to so many sports. My second favorite sport is basketball, and I love killing two birds with one stone. Find a box at your gym, or a bench at a public park. Aim to do 3 sets of 20 reps hopping up onto that surface. When you get more comfortable, try increasing the number of reps while decreasing your rest time. If you can get 60 reps in one minute as a goal, you will have no problem handling those pesky moguls or tree skiing that demand the most of your legs due to their uneven surfaces. It will also help with cardio or agility.

Workout 3: Wall Sits

The benefits of wall sits increase the stability of your thighs and help improve stability on the slopes. I would suggest doing 3 sets of 60 seconds each. You may need to start small if you haven’t done them in a while (30 seconds each set) and then work your way up. I will definitely be doing this as, for health reasons, I have had to take a break from working out these last 2 months.

Workout 4: Planks

Planks help improve your core strength while helping with balance. I would suggest you do two sets of 60 seconds long. Get that timer started, and you’re off to the races!

Workout 5: Russian Twists

While sitting on your butt on the ground, lean back and slightly elevate your legs with a slight bend. Now twist your torso from side to side while engaging your core as much as possible. I would suggest three sets of 30, and if you want more of a challenge, hold a medicine ball and touch it to the ground on each side and you are set.

Workout 6: Lateral Side Jumps

Get yourself into a position as seen in the below image and jump from side to side. I suggest 3 sets of 15 reps in each direction. This will get your legs accustomed to the carving motion, where one of your legs will need to put more pressure into the snow to carve as best possible.

Workout 7: Bulgarian Split Squat

Stand about two feet in front of a bench (or couch, chair, etc.). Lift one leg back, and place your ankle joint on the corner of the surface for balance. Now squat with the leg that is on the ground. Make sure you don’t rush when finding your foot placement so that you are not tempted to lean forward, which can lead to knee injury if done too many times. By focusing on this motion, you may find your legs able to save you from a fall since you can just ski on the one leg until you find your balance (say after a mogul that you underestimated).

In conclusion, integrating these seven workouts into your pre-ski season routine can significantly enhance your leg strength, endurance, balance, and overall performance on the slopes. By dedicating time to this ski conditioning regimen, you are taking a proactive step toward injury prevention and ensuring that you can enjoy longer, more exhilarating days out on the mountain. Remember, consistency is key, and it’s never too late to start preparing for an amazing ski season. Happy skiing!

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